Three Battery Pack Aging Machines And An 8-channel Battery Sorting Machine Have Been Packed And Shipped

Nov 28, 2024

Three Battery Pack Aging Machines And An 8-channel Battery Sorting Machine Have Been Packed And Shipped


ACEY-PS8 8 Chanels Prismatic Battery Sorting Machine

ACEY-PS8S prismatic automatic battery cell sorting machine is suitable for sorting and assembling test of universal prismatic batteries. The machine adopts the belt line to drive the feeding, and the type change is simple. It can analyze and save the test data of the prismatic battery, eliminate the defective battery exclusively, and collect the battery with the sorting and matching by the receiving tank.




ACEY-BA100100-3 Battery Aging Machine

ACEY-BA100100-3 battery pack testing machine is used for battery pack aging tests for various battery types like ternary, lithium iron phosphate, lead-acid, nickel-metal hydride, and nickel-cadmium. It supports both same-port and sub-port battery packs and is ideal for battery module production in manufacturing. Additionally, it tests cycle life, capacity, charge/discharge characteristics, and temperature characteristics, with a power-down data protection function. 

Acey New Energy is specialized in researching and manufacturing of high-end equipment for lithium-ion batteries.If you need any related equipment, please feel free to contact us!


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